Hurricane Helene Housing Support
These forms were created to match your housing need with available homes in the High Country in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. We would like to thank additional partners who have been part of this effort: Ashe Family Support and Western Youth Network.
We are here for you.
This form was created to assess your housing need. Whether you just need a place while your home gets repaired or are looking for something long term, we will do our best to find you a match.
It takes a village.
We would like to thank Tiffany Williams, Community Member and Social Worker for her initial work and ongoing efforts with this form.
This form was created for those who have a property they'd like to rent to someone who was affected by Hurricane Helene. We would like to extend our utmost gratitude for those who are willing to offer up their homes to this effort.
It takes a village.
We would like to thank Nikki Rezvani at Keller Williams High Country for her initial work and ongoing efforts on this form.
Support the Watauga Housing Council as they aid in community recovery efforts after hurricane Helene and beyond. Funds will be used to fill gaps in housing resources, such as supporting displaced families to pay rent on their temporary homes, increasing funding for those hit hardest by Helene who need to rebuild, and the ongoing recovery efforts our community will engage in during the following weeks, months, and years.